Oops sorry. *rushes off to change T shirt*
Oops sorry. *rushes off to change T shirt*
You got it,BigMac!!! You sleuth you!!!!
Wales here,and I'm on Ex Jw........but as who????................................Hmmmmmm. Get investigating!!!!
Bugger!!! I may have given it away!
i was curious to read what you have achieved and accomplished since leaving the watchtower society?.
in your opinion are you heading toward the success of your goals?.
personally i am determined to have something near the life i was meant to have before the watchtower organization got a hold of my mind and bent it towards their own purposes and uses.. i think many here would be overjoyed to hear of your successes!.
I have been relieved of stress,I can live my life how I want to live it. I live with a gorgeous woman and a daft labrador,I play my music.......loud........I play Black Sabbath,Led Zeppelin,Ted Nugent....etc. I write songs,well I did that whilst in the borg,but now I have recorded some....5 to be precise....with more on the way for an album. A single is out now with 3 tracks on it.
I'm lovin' it!!!!!
No. Leave it as nature intended.
moosehead !
love that canadian lager !
also i enjoy a jamaican beer called red stripe .
Wobble.....how could I forget OSH and Bishops Finger,both very fine ales. Skull Attack is a Welsh brew by Brains....not sure if you can find it in the shops in Kent,but worth a go.
Always on the lookout for new ales to try!!!
moosehead !
love that canadian lager !
also i enjoy a jamaican beer called red stripe .
Oh come on!!! All this weak American stuff,tasteless and goes straight through you!!!! Get some REAL ale down yer necks like Hobgoblin,Fiddlers Elbow,Jennings Cumbrian Ale and Snecklifter,Old Thumper,Marstons pedigree,The reverend James, Brains skull Attack (This stuff is VICIOUS)...and many more.
I appreciate that sometimes it doesn't travel well sometimes but you need to step over here to fully enjoy it. Anyone fancy a pint.......my round.
this is aimed more for people who grew up when the beatles and stones were first popular, i guess.
now it's completely silly and ridiculous, but it's funny how hearing an old song on the radio can bring back certain memories.... back in the 60s, early 70s i was a big beatles fan but for the most part none of their music was ever labeled 'dangerous' or 'subversive', even as a youth growing up in the jw cult.
even their more psyhcedelic stuff was tamer than other bands of the era.
White Dove...listening to Country affects you just like being in the Borg. Get with the rock.....you know it makes sense.
Stones???? Love em!!!!
ok i got inspired by the other bumper sticker thread.
i'm too lazy to figure out how to make the actual sticker but how about:.
"i read the watchtower and awake for 25 years and all i got were these lousy issues!".
Kool aid - It's the future.
just had an anniversay card from my a friend who wrote on it "may jehovah be with you and return you to his flock.".
it has made me feel sick to the pit of my stomach.
why is it bothering me so much?.
Welcome Nobelodge,good to see you here.